Find Yourself Posting for the Sake of Posting?

Sophia Marvin

May 17, 2022

If you’re reading this, you likely have a business social media account (or multiple) and probably:

  • Dread hitting that “post” button
  • Feel obligated to post, just for the sake of posting
  • Get stressed or anxious when it comes to making content for your brand

When social media starts to feel like a chore it’s time to make a change.

You started your business because you LOVE what you do – not to stress and have your energy drained by running your brand’s social media account(s) and always worrying about how your content is performing.

Social media is supposed to be fun! (But it isn’t for everyone, and that’s okay)

You might genuinely enjoy getting on your stories or maybe you really love engaging with your community, but when it comes to keeping up with “the algorithm” and posting? You’re just not feeling it.

That energy of feeling like social media is a chore, or just posting for the sake of posting translates over to your audience.

So, what can you do?

Take a Break

This can be easier said than done, and it’s easy to feel resistant to resting, but it will make all the difference!

It Might Be Time for a Rebrand

Feeling truly *aligned* with your branding should light you up! Apart from effortlessly attracting your ideal clients, an intentional rebrand that feels like you and your business will help you start falling in love with your brand’s online presence on social media again.

Read 4 more signs your business is ready for a rebrand here.

Switch Up Your Content Strategy

If you’re dreading hitting that post button, feeling uninspired, and find yourself always procrasti-scrolling for inspiration… it’s time to shake things up and create a content strategy that works for you!

First, ask yourself:
What content do YOU like to consume?

Analyzing why you resonate (or why you don’t 👀) with certain pieces of content, brands, or individuals and seeing what makes you “like,” “comment,” or otherwise engage can give you a lot of insight on what to focus on.

Then, put yourself in the shoes of your ideal clients and do the same exercise.

This will help identify the middle ground between what you would want to create and what your ideal audience would want to consume. This will guide you in creating a new content strategy.


If aspects running your business’s social media account(s) are just not enjoyable for you – here is your permission slip to hand it off to a social media manager. Remember – social media isn’t for everyone!

Or, if you’re starting to feel stretched between the business that you’re passionate about and also having to market your business on social media, it might be time to look into outsourcing. 💙

Ready to never hit that “post” button again? That’s kinda my thing. ⬇️

Enlist some help & feel the weight lifted off your shoulders. Learn more about my services here or book a free discovery call here.

Follow along on Instagram or TikTok for more content!


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