4 Biggest Mistakes Brands Make On Instagram

Sophia Marvin

March 1, 2021

The following may be negatively impacting your business’s Instagram account:

1. Inconsistent Branding

How does it make you feel when you notice a brand has an entirely different color scheme, fonts, etc on their social media compared to their website? 

A cohesive and recognizable complete online presence that speaks to your target audience is vital. Consistent branding helps build trust with your audience. Use brand guidelines to ensure your brand’s image, voice, positioning, etc. work together across all platforms. 


2. Committing to daily posts without a strategy

Don’t post simply to post. Your audience will quickly lose interest in your brand if you don’t create posts that are relevant and engaging. 

Instead, develop a content marketing strategy and post value by creating content pillars that resonate with your target audience. The ideal number of posts per week changes for brands over time as user habits evolve. Commit to posting valuable content a few times per week and experiment with your audience’s response. 


3. Not interacting & failing to develop relationships

If you ignore your audience and their comments, they will eventually ignore your brand too. When users show interest in your content, so them appreciation by answering and responding. 

Instead, build relationships with your audience by being genuine – show up and engage meaningfully. Engage back and try to show off the personality of the brand. Remember that social media is meant to be social!


4. Ignoring Your Analytics

If you aren’t collecting your brand’s Instagram data regularly, how will you pinpoint how your current marketing strategy is affecting your insights?

Creating a system to check back on Instagram’s analytics will help you understand how your content is performing with your audience. It will also help you identify areas in your marketing strategy that can be adjusted

Avoid these common mistakes to grow your brand’s Instagram account!


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